Eyoh Etim

I woke up and suddenly

I started loving everything.

I realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and suddenly

I began loving everyone.

I realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and suddenly

I forgave all offences and their officers.

 I realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and suddenly

 everything looks so beautiful.

I realised that that sleep could have been my last.

 I woke up and broke out in thanksgiving.

 I suddenly realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and peace filled my soul.

 I cast away the cloak of worries.

I suddenly realised that

 that sleep could have been  my last.

I woke up and remembered my Maker.

 I suddenly realised that that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and the sun shone the brightest ever.

I suddenly realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

I woke up and I am determined to complete all tasks.

For I have suddenly realised that

in that sleep, I could have breathed my last.

I woke up and called family and friends.

I suddenly realised that

that sleep could have been my last.

Now I dance to the music played by the wind. I sing along with the rhythm of the running bath water. The cricket’s noise now has its own melody. I see light in the darkness of the night. The sun doesn’t shine harshly again; it now smiles on the world. The rain is not the ruin of a perfect day; she is nature’s blessing to the world. The moon is more beautiful when gazed at with grateful eyes. Gratitude is not just a word. It is the sauce that spices life up. I choose gratitude today and always.   

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