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An Analysis of Susanne Bellefeuille’s Path of Lucas

Author’s Background: Susanne Bellefeuille is a Canadian novelist. She is a graduate of Social Work...

Our Old Song is New Again

Let’s sing a new song that is old, to remember the old ways and old days...

Light in Darkness

Right from childhood, I have searched for the light because I was told that in light could salvation...

Waiting Has Weight

Wet Wait Weight Whet Waiting has weight which whets the weaning power of the wet stone. Win Wean...

I Know What Beauty Is

I am a poet, I know what beauty is. Beauty is the pain that fades when love invades a darkened...

An Analysis/Summary of Susanne Bellefeuille’s Path of Lucas: The Journey He Endured

Author’s Background: Susanne Bellefeuille is a Canadian novelist. She is a graduate of Social Work...

An Analysis of Wole Soyinka’s ‘Night’

Wole Soyinka’s ‘Night’ appeared in A Selection of African Poetry edited by Kwadzo Senanu and Theo...

In His Promises. . .

Death followed Sickness into the room where Uwene lay shivering, plagued by uto anyin ekpo. In just...

Love Makes Me Weak

Love makes me weak. Love weakens the mind of the strong Adonis, When Venus turns furious and...
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