Eyoh Etim

I am proud of Akwa Ibom State at 33. I am also proud to identify with her successes and the strides that she has made so far in her evolution. At 33 Akwa Ibom is blessed spiritually, economically, politically and counting. The state stands tall in the comity of states. I believe this is possible because the state was built on a godly foundation; a foundation of peace, love, unity and progress. For this, I join millions of Akwa Ibom citizens to appreciate Akwa Abasi Ibom for His love and magnanimity towards our people. I perceive that God views Akwa Ibom people the same way He views the Israelites. We are His beloved people, the apple of His eye. This is why He has seen us through numerous challenges and has ensured our collective survival despite all the odds.

I equally appreciate our forebears who were directed by God Himself in their vision in founding our state. They laid for us a solid foundation and left for us historical, cultural and moral monuments to look up to whenever we are plagued by doubts and confusion.  Even in recent/contemporary times, God has blessed us with visionary and foresighted leaders and elites to guide us as we negotiate our way out of our collective health and economic challenges. I must also appreciate the great minds in the state who have made us proud in various fields and endeavours.

Akwa Ibom as a 33 year old personality cannot be called a failure in human terms. Her achievements are visible. Her resilience is admirable. Her potentials are attractive and her future is great. Though there are numerous challenges facing us today, we will definitely overcome when we continue in unity, when we love one another and when we eschew those vices that degrade our sense of dignity as a people. My prayer for Akwa Ibom is that God should continue to keep us a strong and united people; a people blessed beyond measure and preserved for posterity.

God bless Akwa Ibom State,

God bless our leaders,

God bless our people.

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