Eyoh Etim’s Afro Rococo (Light Verses) adds another significant milestone to his prolific creative acumen. He is a versatile scholar-writer and the author of Alien
As it is with most scholarly finds, I discovered Rococo arts and poetry while reading for other things. And when I began writing the kind
Considered to be the first modern English novel, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe was first published in 1719, which effectively places it in the late modern
I proposed infantism in a 2008 publication entitled The Infantist Manifesto: An Excursion on Infant Criticism. I was then a final year/outgoing student of the
It is an incontrovertible and incontestable truism that peace is an indispensable factor to the development and progress of any society. Human history is replete
You centre of unity within Centre of Unity, How many divisive feet have trodden on your unity sands? How many deceitful tongues have shouted unfulfilled
‘E-u-u, Etubom Mbaba is dead,’ the modern town crier announced and the world was instantly transformed by a rude shock into sadness and grief. The
‘One green bottle hanging on the wall. . . and if one green bottle accidentally falls down, there’ll be no green bottle hanging on the
Charles Dickens’ Hard Times is written in late modern English. Late modern English is different from Renaissance or early modern English, which can be seen