In the name of content, strange things happen, as the weird competes with the bizarre.
In the name of content, friends have become foes, as relationships are strained, names are stained and reputations ruined.
In the name of content, the paranormal have become the normal, boundaries are erased and values voided.
In the name of content, facts become farce, truths are traduced and decency is in a state of decadence.
To gain more followers, decorum is discarded to the winds. For likes, dislike is flaunted in the form of hate speech. For comments, the fair play of communication becomes the foreplay of violence.
In the name of contents, secrets are no more sacred, confidences are no more covenants because the more people we hurt through foul language, the more popular we become across the internet.
In the name of content, personalities are dragged through the mud of the global village; children slander their elders while the youth slap the elderly.
In the name of content, heaven has been turned to hell, influencers become nutcases, mad men in well ironed outfits.
In the name of content, the vulgar has become the common tongue, the waist is now a loose region of morality; shaking for dollars and the gold.
In the name of content, our human scenes are strewn with the obscene, dresses are scarce on the bodies of unruly creators, even as appearance deceives reality.
In the name of content, we have lost Okara’s ‘It’ and have turned into a dangerous path of self-destruction. Instead of helping the accident victims, the bystanders’ cameras flash to document the moment of history.
In the name of content, fake life is now the best life. Deceptive appearance is now taken as reality.
In the name of content, profit is the cause of greed, man inflicts pains on himself and God is yet to act.